As a pervasive, incredibly important part of contemporary society, pornography often depicts scenes that seem implausible. You’ve all been there–just scratching your head at the audacity of it all. Countless clichés, such as impossible positions and overblown groans, have entered the public consciousness as a result of watching porn. To what extent, however, are these cliches based on reality? Are they even possible in the real world? We take a close look at a few of the most popular porn clichés, analyzing their validity. It’s not as boring as it might sound! Promise!

Pizza Delivery Guy

1. The Myth. When a pizza delivery man shows up at a client's door, something crazy happens. It’s one of the most famous porn clichés out there. The customer, who’s usually a super-attractive lady, doesn't have enough money to pay for the food. A passionate screwing session ensues when the client proposes an alternative method of payment.
2. The Truth. The reality is far less exciting than the allure of an impromptu tryst with the pizza delivery guy. Deliverymen or delivery women always aim to complete their deliveries in the fastest manner possible. Because they want to get paid as much as possible. Having sexual relations with clients is not only unethical but also against the law in many countries.

Workplace Encounters

1. The Myth. In the middle of all the office noise and activity, coworkers engage in shameless fucking. It’s a common trope in porn, especially when a scene is set amidst cubicles. The adult film industry is rife with unprofessional office porn, depicting passionate encounters in the boardroom or secret meetings in the supply closet or something along those lines.
2. The Truth. The truth is that romances in general and sex in particular in the office may lead to major problems. This includes HR policy breaches and conflicts of interest. When coworkers engage in this kind of fraternization, it may lead to disciplinary action or even termination. Most firms have severe laws against this kind of unsavory behavior. To make things worse, exploitation and abuse are possible outcomes of the different power dynamics that exist in the workplace. In reality, the dangers of forbidden office lust far exceed the potential benefits.

Kinky Pool Cleaner

1. The Myth. One other common porn cliché revolves around a pool cleaner. That beefcake is just toiling away in the blistering heat. Here, a homeowner uses the cleaning as a springboard for an impromptu sex session. It all escalates from a simple offer of a glass of water or something along those lines.
2. The Truth. Although a passionate meeting by the pool sounds nice in theory, in practice it is usually much less spectacular. Professional pool cleaners, like any other service industry workers, aim to get the job done quickly. In addition to being completely unacceptable, having sexual relations with customers may lead to serious consequences, including legal trouble and harm to one's professional image. Bummer, huh?